Book Reviews
26 February 2018
19 February 2018
How To Make a Bib With a Cricut Explore Air 2 | DIY | Sewing
Hey guys! So, my older kid pretty much never wore a bib, so we didn't really have any on hand. Baby E, however, is a little puke monster, so we find ourselves needing them this time around. I decided to try my hand at making them, and was surprised at how easy it ended up being.
cricut crafting. baby e,
diy with jenn,
how to
08 February 2018
29 January 2018
How to Make Doll Diapers | DIY | Sewing
Hey guys! I know this is my second diaper themed project in a row, but I couldn't pass this project up! CJ has started mimicking EVERYTHING we do with Baby E. When we feed the baby, CJ feeds her babies. When we change a diaper, she has to change one too. She was playing with some newborn sized disposables, but the other day she asked me for "pretty diapers" for her doll, so I had to make them. It ended up being WAY easier than I anticipated, but you do need basic sewing skills for this project.
cloth diapers,
diy with jenn,
how to
26 January 2018
Stay at Home Style Book
Let me get this out of the way- I am not a stylish or fashionable person. Most of my clothes are from Target, Wal-Mart or so old I don't remember. But I do enjoy putting together outfits. It's just that since I've been staying home, I really have no excuse to, especially since some days I don't even leave the house.
That's why, last weekend, I made a commitment to get actual-dressed every day this week. It's Friday afternoon & I can honestly say that I did it! Even on the days I didn't leave the house, I got out of my pajamas and into something other than other pajamas or yoga pants. Here's what I wore:
Friday I decided to again, dig into the closet I haven't worn in a while. I used to be obsessed with maxi skirts, I probably have somewhere in the range of 15, but I kind of stopped wearing them when I got more into leggings. However I have so many of them and I can't bring myself to get rid of them, so today is another love it or lose it day. So far, I feel like I'm just chillin' in a little blanket, so I think I'm going to bring these back and start wearing them more regularly.
So there we go: I got actually dressed in (what I think are) cute outfits every day this week. I think I'm going to try to keep this going. I feel better and more productive when I have real clothes on, and I have so many pieces I really love to wear. I don't think I'll keep blogging my outfits, but if I fall off the wagon and need accountability, I might.
What do you wear on a normal day? Especially if you're a stay at home person like I am, do you have a "uniform" you tend to stick to?
That's why, last weekend, I made a commitment to get actual-dressed every day this week. It's Friday afternoon & I can honestly say that I did it! Even on the days I didn't leave the house, I got out of my pajamas and into something other than other pajamas or yoga pants. Here's what I wore:
Monday I started strong: I put JEANS ON. I legitimately don't even know the last time I wore these jeans, and they also kind of don't fit, but it was nothing a belt couldn't fix. I paired them with a tank top and a... I don't even know what to call it- it's not a cardigan? Either way, I've had it since my student teaching days, so 2011, and I'm pretty sure it was from Kohl's. I was uncomfortable all day because there's no need to wear jeans when you spend 90% of your time on the floor with kids, but I did it.
Tuesday I wore jean leggings & a tunic both from Wal-Mart. I love that shirt and I wear it all the time. This is how I pretty much dressed all the time when I was a preschool teacher: leggings and a tunic and it's how I'm most comfortable.
Wednesday was another interesting day. I'm trying to weed out my closet and I'm doing this by forcing myself to wear clothes I rarely/never wear, and if I don't love it by the end of the day, it goes into a donate box. I love the leggings (Lularoe) but I have only worn the shirt (Target Maternity, lol) once and I wasn't thrilled with it when I was pregnant with CJ. But, I put it on and actually kind of like it. I ended up wearing the belt a little lower than in the picture and it was cute and comfortable all day. I think I'm gonna keep it.
Thursday was the first day all week I knew I wasn't leaving the house, so I did comfortable again. Lula and a Wal-mart raglan. Honestly, I think this was one of the cuter outfits this week, so, there we go.
Friday I decided to again, dig into the closet I haven't worn in a while. I used to be obsessed with maxi skirts, I probably have somewhere in the range of 15, but I kind of stopped wearing them when I got more into leggings. However I have so many of them and I can't bring myself to get rid of them, so today is another love it or lose it day. So far, I feel like I'm just chillin' in a little blanket, so I think I'm going to bring these back and start wearing them more regularly.
So there we go: I got actually dressed in (what I think are) cute outfits every day this week. I think I'm going to try to keep this going. I feel better and more productive when I have real clothes on, and I have so many pieces I really love to wear. I don't think I'll keep blogging my outfits, but if I fall off the wagon and need accountability, I might.
What do you wear on a normal day? Especially if you're a stay at home person like I am, do you have a "uniform" you tend to stick to?
22 January 2018
How to Replace Cloth Diaper Elastics
Hey guys! Today I'm going to show you something that's pretty simple to do, but will save you a ton of money. We use cloth diapers on both CJ & Baby E, and most of our diapers have been around since CJ first started in them almost 2 years ago. We primarily use BumGenius Freetimes and they hold up amazingly and they really never let us down. The only thing that needs a little refresher once in a while is the elastics can loose their elastic-ness over time.
cloth diapers,
frugal living,
18 January 2018
15 January 2018
I'm back!
Hi! I'm back! I haven't posted here since March of 2014 and a LOT has changed since then. To start with, that hellish year of deployment ended!
In the last 4 (!!!) years, the husband and I have moved to a nice little suburb in our home state of Pennsylvania and had two children. Our older daughter is 2 year old CJ, who loves French fries, coloring and the Magic School Bus. The younger is Baby E, who is currently 2 months old and loves being held, her pacifier and waking up at 4 am. I'm now a stay at home mom & spend my day trying to raise smart, kind humans.
I still love crafting and creating, and spend most naptimes working on projects for us & to sell on my newly refreshed etsy page. I haven't shared my projects anywhere in quite a while, so I'm looking forward to having a place to do that again. I've got a few ideas in mind for projects I want to do, so you'll be (hopefully!) seeing them shortly.
Reading is still something I love, but have less time to do these days. That being said, there will still be book reviews posted on the occasion I actually finish a book. I'm hoping to hit 20 books in 2018, so let's see how that goes!
In addition to those three main topics, I also hope to just have some general blog type stuff, reviews, and whatever else strikes. I hope you stick around for the ride :)
I still love crafting and creating, and spend most naptimes working on projects for us & to sell on my newly refreshed etsy page. I haven't shared my projects anywhere in quite a while, so I'm looking forward to having a place to do that again. I've got a few ideas in mind for projects I want to do, so you'll be (hopefully!) seeing them shortly.
Reading is still something I love, but have less time to do these days. That being said, there will still be book reviews posted on the occasion I actually finish a book. I'm hoping to hit 20 books in 2018, so let's see how that goes!
In addition to those three main topics, I also hope to just have some general blog type stuff, reviews, and whatever else strikes. I hope you stick around for the ride :)
2018 book challenge,
about me,
baby e,
life update,
About Technicolor Moments
I'm Jenn: a 29 year old stay at home mom to two adorable little girls, two year old CJ and baby E. This blog has existed longer than either girl, so there's a heck of an archive to look back on, but this revival will have a good bit of mom stuff in addition to the craft projects & book reviews.
You can find all of my craft stuff here, mom stuff here, and book reviews here. Those are the main things that make up *me*, but I'm sure there will be plenty of other things here, too.
If you're looking to find me elsewhere on the internet, links are up along the top bar.
Welcome to Technicolor Moments, I hope you enjoy this ride as much as I do.
PS: Wondering where Technicolor Moments comes from? "We pencil-sketch our previous life so we can contrast it to the technicolor of the moment" - David Levithan, Boy Meets Boy :)
13 March 2014
Care Package #1: Pokemon Themed Anniversary
I finally got my first care package together to send out! I wanted to send it out about a week ago because I wanted it to get to where it needed to be for our anniversary, which is April 13th. I don’t know if it’s going to make it or not, but I got it done so I’m sending it out tomorrow! A full month should be enough time.
The first thing I included were two cards. The first one with the text on the front had a lot of writing on the inside which was very nice and sentimental, and I went at it with a pen and sort of annotated it to make him laugh and fit us a little better. The second is a heart with a missing puzzle piece and the inside of the card has the missing piece and says “you complete me,” but most importantly LOOK HOW CUTE the envelope is!
The very bottom of the box has the things he actually asked me to send him, some tee shirts and a box of Q-tips. Very exciting, I know, but since didn’t ask for anything else, it would have been a disaster if I had forgotten the only things that were requested, so I had to make sure they were in there.
He is not a big candy fan at all, with the exception of Snickers bars, so I got a huge bag of fun sized bars and filled the box with them. I just kind of tucked them between the shirts and hid them under other things. I kind of like the idea of them just falling out as he keeps pulling things out, so they're like a constant surprise that keep landing all over the place.
Then I filled it in with the other snacks I know he loves. Peanut butter crackers and wasabi peas are a big favorite, and you can never go wrong with beef jerky, but the Sriacha peas were the crowning glory of my shopping trip. He loves the wasabi peas and loves Sriacha, so I can’t imagine he wouldn’t also LOVE them combined.
Finally, I also stuck in a flash drive that has a bunch of movies that have come out recently, and that I know he hasn’t seen yet. We were very sad that we weren’t able to see the LEGO movie together, so that’s on there, with about 10 others.
The box itself I’m so very proud of. Obviously we’re both Pokemon freaks, so I drew a couple of different types of pokeballs, and then on the bottom flap wrote out “I choose you!” I think it looks really cute and I’m hoping he’ll like it.
So that’s what I’ve been working on lately. I am planning to send about 5 total, so we’ll see how that goes.
Stay crafty!
The first thing I included were two cards. The first one with the text on the front had a lot of writing on the inside which was very nice and sentimental, and I went at it with a pen and sort of annotated it to make him laugh and fit us a little better. The second is a heart with a missing puzzle piece and the inside of the card has the missing piece and says “you complete me,” but most importantly LOOK HOW CUTE the envelope is!
He is not a big candy fan at all, with the exception of Snickers bars, so I got a huge bag of fun sized bars and filled the box with them. I just kind of tucked them between the shirts and hid them under other things. I kind of like the idea of them just falling out as he keeps pulling things out, so they're like a constant surprise that keep landing all over the place.
Finally, I also stuck in a flash drive that has a bunch of movies that have come out recently, and that I know he hasn’t seen yet. We were very sad that we weren’t able to see the LEGO movie together, so that’s on there, with about 10 others.
So that’s what I’ve been working on lately. I am planning to send about 5 total, so we’ll see how that goes.
Stay crafty!
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